In June of 2019 I was out in the Hamilton area exploring an abandoned house. Due to observing a vehicle on the property I skipped the exploration and moved onto the next location. Another explorer (ForgottenOntario) would later visit the same vacant house, and discover a colony of cats. One of the cats had a badly infected eye.

I made a public plea to my Facebook followers on June 16th, 2019:

“There’s a property in the HAMILTON area with a sick cat. The cat’s eyes are badly infected and it appears it can hardly see. The property appears abandoned though someone may be tended to the garden and feeding the cat. Because the house is behind a gate and fence, animal rescue won’t touch the property.In order to help this cat, it will require someone to operate in a “grey area”. That is, someone willing to climb over a small fence and somehow get the little guy to a vet, or set a trap. This would have to be done on someone else’s property. For this reason, if anyone is willing to help, discussion will take place away from Facebook and ‘off the record’. I’m out of the area for the next couple of weeks or I’d try it myself.”

The town of Dundas stepped up. A couple from Dundas (Rebecca and Ashtyn) volunteered to visit the property and found that there are in fact FOUR cats including the one with eye infection. Another young woman from Dundas offered to head out to the location with a trap.

One of the cats was rescued June 16th and spent the night in a warm house. It was brought to the SPCA the following day. According to the woman who found the cat, “She is currently getting a full veterinarian check, then she will be held for 5 days to monitor her, then she will be placed for adoption! I have her case number too to call and keep track of her.”

On June 17th the owner of the property was back on the property tending to the garden (he doesn’t live on the property). Waterdown Animal Rescue donated some traps to be used to attempt to capture the remaining cats. On June 19th a double trap was set up, but failed to catch any cats.

On June 19, 2021 I made another public post to see if anyone from the Hamilton area would be willing to help save these cats. A woman named Rebecca J. volunteered to go out and try to rescue them. She left food and water for them, but due to being sick, was unable to make a return visit.

From here the public interest seems to have dwindled and the last I heard the cats were nowhere to be seen, though they could have been in hiding.