Category: Abandoned Houses

Abandoned Houses in Ontario. These may include farms, time capsules, rural properties and luxury homes.

Manitoulin Island Assorted Abandoned Houses

Manitoulin Island Abandoned Houses

Assorted abandoned locations from beautiful Manitoulin Island  

House of Dangers (Middlesex)

House of Dangers in Ontario

This abandoned rural farm house is called House of Dangers. It’s name stems from the open well hidden in the grass. On September 9, 1938, a twenty-five year old Second Leutenient American army pilot named James Breathitt died on the property. Breathitt was flying a P-35 Pursuit plane. the cause of the crash was said…

War Still On House (London, Ontario)

Helen Dickie London Ontario time capsule

This was the home of Helen Dickie of London. Helen was a fan of horses and rode them well in to her 80’s.When she passed away on May 8, 2013, a developer purchased her estate. The house was still in a somewhat semi-preserved state when we visited it. (Thanks Talker for the find)It had been…

Angry Bride House

angry bride house

This house has been picked through, but there are still several items reminiscent of a bygone era to be found inside. A kitchen calendar reveals the house may have been vacated in November of 1989, which would makes this house 31 years old. I believe that it was owned by the parents of a woman…

Pool Table House

pool table house ontario

This property is located not far from the shores of Lake Erie, Ontario. It’s along a highway but nobody disturbed me during my visit here. The name of the location stems from the pool table found upstairs. The highlight for me was the built in-wall cabinet which would be a waste not to recycle. Video

1934 Farm House in Middlesex County


This property is located west of Lucan at the end of a dead end road. There are old farming magazines that date back to the early 1900s.

House of Forgotten Photographs

photo album house

When the occupants of this house left, they left behind many memories in the form of photo albums.There is no further information on the family.

Staircase Waste

StaircaseWaste BeautifulAbandonedStaircaseHouse

This property was first settled in 1862 by Scottish farmer James McCallum in Huron County. The Scottish were experts in stone masonry as seen by the construction of the exterior of the house. The best feature of course was the winding staircase. It began to break away from the wall after many years of elements…

Murray Mansion Woodstock

Murray Mansion Woodstock Ontario

A large house in Woodstock with a three car garage and a loft above. There’s a yucky inground pool out back. Apparently the house was owned by a man named Dan Murray, an auctioneer who lived in the house with his wife Shirley and their two children. In 2011, Dan passed away. The house was…

Black Mold Highway House

very moldy abandoned ontario house

This house is located along a busy highway in Southern Ontario. It has a few interesting features such as the skeleton key locks, stairway railing and old Singer sewer. The most obvious feature, or hazard, is the obscene amount of black mold growing inside.