Category: Abandoned Houses

Abandoned Houses in Ontario. These may include farms, time capsules, rural properties and luxury homes.

House of Creepy Clowns

creepy clown house ontario

Circus clowns have existed in culture since the 18th century. Despite their lengthy history, people today find them to be scary. Perhaps this can be attributed to movies like Stephen King’s “IT”. This house had a beautiful backyard at one point in time. There was plenty of outdoor space, an in ground pool, and pool…

Way Too Modern 2.0

Way too modern house

If you think about it, urban exploring is much like Halloween. You go from house to house, knock on the door and see if there’s a treat or a trick. I’ve never heard of anyone being tricked though. Will you hit the jackpot and get a can of pop? Will it be the coveted single…

Lord Seaton Road House

lord seaton house

The contents of this house, located on Lord Seaton Road, were sold off in February of 2020 as part of an estate sale. The owners either sold the house or are deceased. An application has been filed to demolish the house. There’s nothing remarkable about my photos, the space was a little too confined for…

The 1950s Decor Television House

This house is situated on an active street in Somewhere, Ontario. It was built in 1957. A single family has occupied the home for the entire time. They also didn’t change many of the design details, as you’ll see from the photos. The house features six bedrooms and four out-of-this-world retrolicious bathrooms. The house can…

Abandoned GTA Heritage Property with Electricity

abandoned GTA heritage property

This location is a nineteenth century two-storey rural farm house. The front has a three-bay front facade and a double door entrance. At one time this house would have beamed with pride and joy, but over the years the grass has grown, boards have gone up over the windows and the basement has flooded. Someone…

1960’s Basement Bar House


This is another of the many Toronto houses that have become vacant due to their aging interiors. For the urban explorer however these are terrific finds. The basement bar is typical of the 70’s style, the bathroom is wallpapered including the ceiling, and that thick carpeting of course! Video

The Nazi Memorabilia Collector House

nazi memorabilia abandoned ontario house

This location belonged to a man who collected Nazi memorabilia. Oh I know, I can hear your disgust already. But what if I told you that this man has served with The Royal Regiment of Canada? Is he still a vile person? Should we contact his employer and shame him? What if I told you that…

Abandoned 1970’s Barber House of Glass

Abandoned Ontario House of Glass

This lovely old house belonged to Doris and Donald Barber, who lived in Guelph, Ontario. The Barber family began a painting and glazing store in 1883. Since that time, the family has expanded into custom glass, mirrors and antique glass. Doris began a business framing art (The Barber Gallery). There were three businesses operating under…

The Abandoned Money House Ontario

creepy doll

The urban exploring community chooses to give locations names in an effort to be able to communicate and differentiate them in discussions. The reference for this abandoned house is simply the “Money House”, the reason for this will soon be explained. The house is located along a quiet rural road in an area where it’s…

West Elgin Abandoned House

West Elgin Abandoned House in Ontario

This abandoned house is located in West Elgin, Ontario. It was a random find while on route to another destination. Take note of the wooden staircase and the elaborate design, and the newel posts. Such a waste to be left behind in this house. As we were photographing it, someone stopped in a truck. They…