Monthly archives: February, 2020

Abandoned Bluewater Youth Detention Centre in Goderich, Ontario

Abandoned Bluewater Correctional Centre in Goderich

Abandoned youth detention centre in Goderich, Ontario…

Randwood Estate – Niagara On The Lake

Vineyard Mansion

The Randwood Estate is a 3-plus acre historical estate in Niagara-on-the-Lake. It features a home originally built in 1825. The land was part of a 160-acre tract granted to Peter Russell in 1796. Russell was receiver general and a member of the executive council of Upper Canada. In 2016, developer Benny Marotta purchased the property along…

Niagara Falls Ontario Funeral Home & Embalming Room

abandoned funeral home coffin Ontario

This abandoned funeral home was located at 5647 Main Street in Niagara Falls, Ontario. It’s believed that the owner retired. Entry to the building took was an office window and once inside we were greeted with an immaculate funeral home. The electricity was still operational and we were quick to notice that an alarm system…

Abandoned Ontario Haunted Pet Cemetery (Aurora)

abandoned pet cemetery in Ontario

During the early 20th century long before 24-hour retailers and high speed internet, people were able to take the time to appreciate the simpler qualities in life. Loyal companionship wasn’t determined by the hundreds of people on your social media that you rarely spoke with. Companionship during those lonely nights came in the form of…

Abandoned Ontario Bowmanville Zoo

Abandoned Bowmanville Zoo

The Bowmanville Zoo opened in 1919 on the grounds of the Cream of Barley Mill (also on my website as location 5947). The attraction was known as “The Cream of Barley Campground”. The owner of the mill created a campground and park attraction for tourists. A petting zoo was added later.  By 1946 there were…

St. Columba Roman Catholoic Church

abandoned stained glass church Ontario

In 1849 a large group of settlers fled their homeland of South Uist and Benbecula, Scotland. They had been evicted from the land by their landlords. The land produced failed potatoe crops which added to their dire situation. A group of families boarded a ship named The Tusker and made a two week journey to…

Martin Weiche’s Nazi House – Abandoned Bergof in London Ontario

Martin Weiche Nazi House London Ontario

Martin Weiche Nazi History The Martin Weiche Nazi House as it’s commonly referred to is located on Gainsborough in London, Ontario. Weiche referred to his home as The Berghof. Martin Weiche was born in the East German town of Lebus in 1921. He and his family moved to Berlin in 1938. He became a member…

Abandoned Martin’s Bowling Alley in Hamilton, Ontario

Martin's Bowling Alley in Hamilton

Martin’s Bowling Alley is located in the city of Hamilton. This style of bowling alley has been obsolete for many years. The location was in operation for over fifty years. It consisted of 12 lanes with manual scoring (pencil and paper). There were six lanes on two different levels of the building.  The benches were…

Abandoned Studite Monastery & Woodstock Peace Lighthouse in Woodstock, Ontario

Woodstock Ontario Abandoned Studite Monastery

The Studite Monastery and Peace Lighthouse was located in Woodstock, Ontario. It belonged to the Studite Fathers, a Ukrainian religious group. Studites work for eight hours, rest for eight hours and pray for eight hours. The Studites are one of the oldest monastic orders of the church. They have a board of directors and monastery…

Chedoke Hospital in Hamilton, Ontario

Chedoke Hospital Hamilton

The Chedoke Hospital in Hamilton started as a sanitarium for tuberculosis patients in 1906. It began as a two tent operation located on a farm where eight patients were able to be treated.  When antibiotics were discovered by Albert Schatz in 1943, the need for long stays in sanitariums was no longer required. To remain…